pt sharatchandra arolkar ji has performed a splendid bhimpalasi and kamod followed by khammaj tappa chaal paichani krishnarao shankar pandit has given many gems in the world of indian music one of them is sharatchandra. Reply
i just finished neela bhagawat’s marathi biography of panditaji published by lokwangmay griha .i was curious about him.thanks for providing his music. Reply
pt sharatchandra arolkar ji has performed a splendid bhimpalasi and kamod followed by khammaj tappa chaal paichani
krishnarao shankar pandit has given many gems in the world of indian music one of them is sharatchandra.
i just finished neela bhagawat’s marathi biography of panditaji published by lokwangmay griha .i was curious about him.thanks for providing his music.