0 thoughts on “A. Kanan

  1. waha waha kya bat hai.Woderful rendering.Kanan sahib his own touch in Puriya Kalyan . Please inform the name of violinist if possible.Thanks.

  2. What a great rendering by A T Kanan. Like to have more from this great maestro from this site. The site is truly a rere gift to all music lovers. My heart-core love.

  3. Absolutely fascinating piece of Musical history . Wonder if it is VG Jog on the violin . As always , more and more reasons for the likes of us to be indebted to the likes of Aftab and Parrikkar

  4. I’m sure it is Jog sahab on the violin. I was blessed to have trained under Guruji, Kanan sahab for so many years with such love from him. His voice still rings in my ears as does his fatherly affection.

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