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Ghani Khan Revisited |
Thanks to the tremendous hospitality of Nasreen Wali Khan (niece of Ghani Khan), Bahram and Mashaal (grandsons of Ghani Khan), I made another visit to Ghani Khan’s home in Utmanzai, Charsadda with Dr. Aftab, Dr. Fuad, and my father. Dr. Fuad was nice enough to bring along his Nikon D-70S camera; he took more than 215 pictures. I have tried to select the better ones, a total of 95 pictures through which I would like to share our pleasant experience with all of you.
Click here to view the new allbum.
Eid Mubarik,
Taimur Khan
dear sir,
having visited sarangi info, may I introduce me (german, 72 years)to you.
In the years after 1954/55 I had pleasure to write to a penpale at that time.Here name at that time was SHANDANA GHANI KHAN, daughter of ghani khan; and she gave me a wonderful description of here father and grandfather (the frontier ghandi) and also sent me ghani khan`s book “the pathans” which still is with me. I would like to here more about this famous family and their way of life since that former time. If there would be any person to send me a short e-mail, it would make me very happy, even if somebody could tell me if SHANDANA still lives there and what may be here address/phone or e-mail. thks for any help you may be able to offer me! My kindest greetings from germany and best regards.
yours sincerely: heiner schuster
Dear heiner schuster
I read your blog on another website and I had to search for this website. I just wanted to let you know that Shandana Ghani Khan as you knew her is no more as she passed away last year. She left her home quite some time ago for India and never returned.
thanks ghazanfar!
I`m very thankful for your comment, as I had no information at all about Shandana
since that long time. May I kindly ask you, if there is any person of the famous
family Ghani Khan who might be in a position to let me know any more details
or actual address?
Thanks a lot for your kindness and all best wishes from here!!
heiner schuster
Dear Mr. Schuster,
I am attaching the same reply I sent you on your original post to the Ghani Khan site, here: I would be very grateful if you replied to me and stayed in touch. I wrote the original in German and will paste it here! Thanks a million, Hali
Sehr Geehrte Herr Schuster,
Verzeihen Sie bitte meine Grammatikalische Fehler aber ich wollte Ihnen die Information ueber Shandana ermitteln. Ich bin eine Verwandte der Familie und bin viel junger als Shandana gewesen. Meine Eltern lebten in Amerika und als wir dann unsere weitere Verwandten besuchten, habe ich als kleines Maedchen Shandana kennengelernt. Sie war damals schon verheiratet und hat immer ganz liebervoll auf uns Kinder aufgepasst. Es ist mit trauer dass ich spaeter erfahren habe dass sie gestorben ist. Mann redet nicht sehr darueber aber sie hat sich scheinbar selbst getoetet, was wirklich tragisch ist. Obwohl ich selbst aus Washington bin, arbeite ich zur Zeit in Afghanistan und hat vor einige Jahren in Deutschland Medizin studiert. Fals Sie dieses Nachricht noch bekommen, dann bitte schreiben Sie mir unter meine Private e-mail Addresse: haljil@aol.com
Ich hoffe sehr mit Ihnen Kontakt aufnehmen zu koennen und ich werde Ihnen auf diese weise alles ueber die Familie erzaehlen.
Viele Gruesse aus Kandahar, Hali
thanks a lot hali jilani fore your kind information.
please let us continue contact cause I would be very happy to get any more details.
I tried to contact you sometime earlier, but I am afraid your e-mail address is no more active. kind greetings from germay und beste wünsche!
Heiner Schuster
dear hali jilani,
this is another test to get connected with you, after I have tried it several times earlier. I look forward to any more information about Shandana and, of course, about you and your interesting way of life.
best wishes and kind greetings from Germany!
heiner schuster